The School of Journalism and Public Relations (SJPR) supports the EU Modernization and Internationalization Agenda for Higher Education, and the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education is integral to the realization of our institutional plans, strategies and aspirations. We are committed to international excellence through the creation of world-changing research and high quality, inspirational teaching within an inclusive academic culture. Our international partnerships in both participating and non-participating countries facilitate and support staff and student mobility, student recruitment, developments in teaching and learning, collaborative research and capacity-building.
International collaborative partnerships are a core element in our broader strategic objectives in regard to teaching, learning and research.
All successful partnerships are the result of shared commitment to, and mutual benefit from, the relationship. Many of our partnerships result from individual links between academic staff. Others have been introduced through existing partners or other networks. Our international partner institutions are diverse, reflecting the different needs and priorities of our partners’ and our own students and staff.
While maintaining our existing geographical priorities in Europe, we remain open to new and unexpected opportunities. Through the interaction of our Career Centre and the International Office we encourage the development of academic-led initiatives and projects, disseminating information about new opportunities and promoting good practice in all aspects of our international operations and strategy. We actively disseminate across the institution and to our local community and beyond, as appropriate, examples of the outcomes and benefits of our international partnership activity.
In regard to mobility we are committed to extend the range and nature of the opportunities we can offer to our students, as integral or optional credit mobility components of an ever-increasing range of degree programmes, principally, but not exclusively, at Bachelor level. This will include both study and work placements in participating and non-participating countries. We will continue to explore short-term mobility in order to encourage participation by a more diverse student body and to introduce new and less familiar study destinations in non-participating countries.
Mobility of academic and administrative staff is a priority for effective partnership relationship management, support of co-operation projects, professional training, teaching delivery and programme development. In this context we will explore opportunities for joint delivery of Master’s programmes with partners from both participating and non-participating countries.
We expect to focus primarily on the development of selected existing partnerships and to extend their scope so that they contribute to achieving the objectives of the EU Modernization Agenda for Higher Education, for example, by developing relationships with other key stakeholders and/or cross-sector co-operation. In order to realize these objectives we will engage in more strategic and sustainable relationships based on deeper mutual understanding of our capabilities, capacity and priorities. We will seek to develop further, in co-operation with HEIs in participating countries, our contribution to capacity-building for higher education in post-conflict Partner countries.
Non-discrimination and equality is one of the main features and goals of our School, along with assisting people with disabilities and members of the disadvantaged population. We encourage equality between students in terms of nation, gender, race or nationality. The Career Centre and International Office organizes information meetings with students and staff, regarding incoming and outgoing mobility, prints promotional and informational materials, and also publishes news on the School’s website. The European Credit Transfer System is enforced at an undergraduate and also graduate level. A Diploma Supplement is issued for all students after graduation. During their stay all incoming students are able to contact the International Office and receive help regarding accommodation, public transport or food and living expenses.
We work in partnership with business and industry, including regional associations, to exploit our intellectual capital and create a highly-skilled workforce.
Working with industry translates research into innovations that shape our world, tackling global challenges and transforming lives. We will develop our research collaboration with industry and the public sector, and will seek to increase opportunities for integration of industrial experience into degree programmes.